PhaDoc's Health Song Contest


soutez-fb-final-ENG-layers1.You must be registered as a contestant to receive PhaDoc’s instrumental and lyrics for the competition.
2.You are responsible to create a melody that matches PhaDoc’s instrumental and lyrics.
3.You are responsible to mix your voice with the PhaDoc’s instrumental and lyrics to produce a song.
4.You must submit the song in MP3 format to PhaDoc that reserves the right to convert it into a video lyric.
5.You must not modify the length of PhaDoc’s original instrumental.
6.You must not modify, change, correct, replace, add any words to the PhaDoc’s original text lyrics.

7.This song contest is open to all amateur and professional singer-songwriters who are 18 years or over. If under 18 years old, the signature of a parent or guardian is required.

8.PhaDoc Employees and Contracting workers are not eligible to enter this competition.

9.This song competition is promoted and run by Public Health Audiovisual Documenter hereby referred to as PhaDoc.

10.Lyrics and instrumental are created by PhaDoc.

11.Contestants may submit one song.

12.There is a nonrefundable $10 US entrance fee for contestants.

13.A song may have the full songwriters name and not use initials. Entrants shall, by entering, indemnify and hold PhaDoc harmless from and against any claims inconsistent with the foregoing.

14.Contestants must carefully check audio files before entry via email or PhaDoc’s website. If faulty non playing recordings are submitted, the entry will be marked void by the PhaDoc.

15.Entry materials submitted will not be returned to the contestant. PhaDoc is not responsible for late, lost, misdirected, postage due, incomplete, or misappropriated entries.

16.All song entries must be accompanied with a photo profile of the singer or group. This image will be used when PhaDoc adds the song to its website.

17.No changes may be made to a song entry or to contestant’s details after submission. This includes changes to song title, category, group or singer’s name, video file, written lyrics and all and any other changes including the email contact address. If a change is required the contestant must contact PhaDoc to cancel the original entry and re-enter the song again correctly.

18.Songs will be selected as follows: (1) acceptance of the PhaDoc’s terms and conditions, (2) respect of the deadlines, and (3) the consent of the singer or group for PhaDoc to use their voice on the media.

19.PhaDoc reserves the right to extend the entry deadline and cancel any showcase event if insufficient entries are received.

20.Entries will be screened by PhaDoc but the voters will select the finalists by their votes.

21.From the beginning to the end of the contest, the contestants will do everything online.

22.Finalists will be notified by email and/or phone/ PhaDoc’s website with details of the round and votes.

23.All prizes will be awarded to the name as it appears on the entry form, and division of prizes among group members is the responsibility of winners.

24.Entrant agrees to accept the final decision of PhaDoc and the public’s votes.

25.A video lyric of the contestant’s song will be added to PhaDoc website for audiences to judge and vote.

26.The contest contains 5 phases or rounds which are: live audition, elimination, quarterfinal, semifinal, and the final.

27.Entrants agree to attend, at their own expense, at such times and in such locations as PhaDoc may reasonably require in respect of the competition showcase including without limitation to rehearsals, recordings, song mixing or mastering, live reward ceremonies, advertisement, and/or other contributions. Such events will be organised and paid for by contestants. As a contestant, I understand that I am not entitled to receive exposure to such events.

28.The public through their vote will be the absolute judges for each round of the contest.

29.PhaDoc (or other such company as chosen by the Company) may film and/or record performances at the events. I agree to the use of this material by PhaDoc for marketing and promotional purposes, including but not limited to national and international broadcast, including rights to reproduce and edit footage. PhaDoc will own all intellectual property rights to any film and sound recording of the performance

30.It is the contestant’s responsibility to provide correct contact details when entering the contest and to ensure that they can receive emails from the contest. Emails will be sent to the contact email address supplied on entry. If the contestant does not see or receive prizes or notifications or emails because they provided an incorrect email address, or because they failed to check their spam folder, or because their email account is over limit, or because they have a spam blocking system in place that requires verification from the sender, or because they failed to check their emails, or for any other reason, PhaDoc will bear no responsibility or liability.

31.PhaDoc will use its best efforts to announce the winners at the designated time, but will not be held liable for any unforeseen delays.

32.Contestants may be required to sign an exclusive copyright licence agreement confirming that he/she does not hold rights to the song. Failure to sign and return the form within the required time period or provision of false information may result in disqualification and an alternate contestant may be selected. Exclusive copyright licence agreements are subject to verification by PhaDoc and its agents.

33.Financial Prizes will be sent out after the final phase of the contest. There will be no transfer and substitution of prizes.

34.Entry in PhaDoc song contest constitutes permission to use contestants and winners’ names, likenesses, recordings, videos and voices for promotional and publicity purposes on PhaDoc’s own websites and on other third-party websites and in publicity and promotional materials and press releases. This permission can be withdrawn by the contestant at any time upon written request.

35.Contestant acknowledges that their song may be distributed to voters who will be selecting the winners, and contestant agrees to release, indemnify, and hold PhaDoc and voters harmless for liability, damages, or claims, or loss to any person or property relating to, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, participation in this song contest.

36.By entering the PhaDoc song contest, contestant and/or his/her parents or legal guardian, if such contestant is under 18, agree to accept and be bound by the decisions of PhaDoc and its voters which are final and binding in all matters. Contestant agrees to be bound by all terms of these official PhaDoc Terms and Conditions as established herein.

37.PhaDoc reserves the right to remove or disqualify any contestant from the competition at their absolute discretion and that the decision of PhaDoc is final. I acknowledge that PhaDoc will have no liability to the contestant if I am unable to attend or take part in the competition.

38.PhaDoc reserves the right to disqualify any contestant if they supply untruthful, inaccurate or misleading personal details and/or information, have failed to abide by the Rules and/or are in breach of the terms hereof.

39.PhaDoc will hold entry form data securely for the purpose of this competition. It will not be shared with third parties. Further information about how we process data can be found on our privacy-notice on our website.

40.PhaDoc reserves the right to amend the Rules (including without limitation verbally) or terminate the competition at any time without liability to me. PhaDoc’s decisions shall be final.
41.PhaDoc will use its best efforts to announce the winners at the designated time, but will not be held liable for any unforeseen delays.

42.Voters may be required to sign a non refundable payment agreement confirming that he/she does not hold rights to ask for a voting service fee refund. Failure to sign and return the form within the required time period or provision of false information may result in disqualification and an alternate contestant may be selected. Exclusive non refundable payment agreements are subject to verification by PhaDoc and its agents.

43.Financial Prizes will be sent out after the final phase of the contest. There will be no transfer and substitution of prizes.

44.Voting in PhaDoc song contest constitutes permission to use voters and winners’ names, likenesses, recordings, videos and voices for promotional and publicity purposes on PhaDoc’s own websites and on other third-party websites and in publicity and promotional materials and press releases. This permission can be withdrawn by the voter at any time upon written request.

45.By entering the PhaDoc song contest, voter and/or his/her parents or legal guardian, if such voter is under 18, agree to accept and be bound by the decisions of PhaDoc which is final and binding in all matters. Voter agrees to be bound by all terms of these official PhaDoc Terms and Conditions as established herein.

46.PhaDoc reserves the right to remove or disqualify any voter from the competition at their absolute discretion and that the decision of PhaDoc is final. I acknowledge that PhaDoc will have no liability to the voter if I am unable to attend or take part in the competition.

47.PhaDoc reserves the right to disqualify any voter if they supply untruthful, inaccurate, or misleading personal details and/or information, have failed to abide by the Rules, and/or are in breach of the terms hereof.

PhaDoc will hold entry form data securely for the purpose of this competition. It will not be shared with third parties. Further information about how we process data can be found on our privacy notice on our website.

48.PhaDoc reserves the right to amend the Rules (including without limitation verbally) or terminate the competition at any time without liability to me. PhaDoc’s decisions shall be final.

VOTERS (Judges)

1.You must be registered as a voter to be able to judge in PhaDoc’s contests.

2.You are responsible to vote for the contestants who can affect your mood with their melody and their clarity on the beat.

3.This poll is open to all amateur and professional judges who are 18 years or over. If under 18 years old, the signature of a parent or guardian is required.

4.PhaDoc Employees and Contracting workers are not eligible to judge in this competition.

5.Voters can be Contestants in the same competition.

6.There is a nonrefundable $5 US entrance fee for voters.

7.Voters must carefully listen to the contestant’s song before casting his/her vote. If faulty, the vote is irreversible and non-refundable.

8.PanDoc is not responsible for incomplete, misdirected, or misappropriated votes.

9.Each vote must be accompanied with a $1 US service fee. Profits from PhaDoc’s contests will contribute to help public organizations.

10.No changes may be made to a vote after submission. This includes changes to the contestant’s name, song file, quantity of votes and any other changes including the email contact address. If a change is required the contestant must contact PhaDoc to cancel the original entry and re-enter the song again correctly.

11.PhaDoc reserves the right to extend the vote deadline and cancel any contest if insufficient entries are received.

12.Votes will be screened by PhaDoc.

13.From the beginning to the end of the contest, the voters will do everything online.
14.Voters will be notified by email and/or phone/ PhaDoc’s website with details of the round and votes.

15.All prizes will be awarded to the name as it appears on the registration form.

16.Voters agree to accept the final decision of PhaDoc.

17.The contest contains 5 phases or rounds which are: live audition, elimination, quarterfinal, semifinal, and the final.

18.The public through their vote will be the absolute judges for each round of the contest.

19.PhaDoc (or other such companies as chosen by the Company) may record votes or poll at the events. I agree to the use of this material by PhaDoc for marketing and promotional purposes, including but not limited to national and international broadcast, including rights to reproduce and edit footage. PhaDoc will own all intellectual property rights to any film and sound recording of the performance.

20.It is the voter’s responsibility to provide correct contact details when entering the contest and to ensure that they can receive emails from PhaDoc. Emails will be sent to the contact email address supplied on registration. If the voter does not see or receive prizes or notifications or emails because they provided an incorrect email address, or because they failed to check their spam folder, or because their email account is over limit, or because they have a spam blocking system in place that requires verification from the sender, or because they failed to check their emails, or for any other reason, PhaDoc will bear no responsibility or liability.


  • PhaDoc rewards the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place in the competition, and the voter with the highest volume of votes.
  • The honorific title for both the champion in the song and video category is PhaDoc’s Health Ambassador.
  • Each Health Ambassador receives $5,000.00 US as prize in the PhaDoc’s award ceremony.
  • The 3rd place in the song category and the video category receive 1,250.00 US each as prize in the PhaDoc’s award ceremony
  • The voter with the highest volume of votes in the song category and the video category receive 625.00 US each as prize in the PhaDoc’s award ceremony.
  • Financial Prizes will be sent out after the final phase of the contest. There will be no transfer and substitution of prizes.

Free Registration for PhaDoc's Health Song Contest.

Free Registration for PhaDoc's Health Video Contest

Application to become a PhaDoc's Voter

Thank you for your interest in becoming a judge in PhaDoc contests. This means that you are a fan who wants to vote for your favorite contestant to be either the champion, 2nd or 3rd place. In return, you get $625 US at the end of the contest if you have the highest volume of votes. Please, complete the form below to continue.

Application to become a PhaDoc's Volunteer

Thank you for your interest in becoming a PhaDoc’s volunteer. This means that you are a professional or a graduate learner who wants to serve PhaDoc in your free time. In return, you become later PhaDoc’s part-time independent contractor or PhaDoc full-time employee. Please, complete the form below to continue.

Application to become a PhaDoc's Affiliate

Thank you for your interest in becoming a PhaDoc affiliate. This means that you are either an independent vlogger, YouTuber, lecturer, or video editor who wants to add your original content to PhaDoc’s database. In return, you get a monthly stipend of $1 US each time one of your contents reaches 1 million views per month. Please, complete the form below to continue.

Application to become a PhaDoc's Intern

Thank you for your interest in becoming a PhaDoc’s Intern. This means that you are a learner who wants to practice your skills at PhaDoc. In return, PhaDoc will communicate with your current school and sign your school paperwork. Please, complete the form below to continue.

Registration with PhaDoc